The UK and Canadian editions were both published in 1993 and precede the U.S. edition which was published in 1994. The UK and Canadian editions have the same jacket art and are of similar size, and both were printed and bound in the UK.
The U.S. edition has different cover art and is larger. Because the U.S. edition was published a year later (1994), it was eligible to win the Pulitzer in 1995 even though it was first published in 1993.
The Stone Diaries book won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
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 | Picture of the 1993 UK first edition dust jacket for The Stone Diaries. |
 | This is the copyright page from the UK first edition of The Stone Diaries. |
 | This is the front flap from the UK first edition dust jacket. |
 | This is the back of the dust jacket from the UK first edition of The Stone Diaries. |
 | This is the UK first edition boards. |
 | This is the back flap from the UK first edition dust jacket. |
 | Picture of the 1993 Canadian first edition dust jacket for The Stone Diaries. |
 | This is the copyright page from the Canadian first edition of The Stone Diaries. Note the statement that the book was printed and bound in the United Kingdom. Many point to this as an argument that the true first edition is the UK edition. |
 | This is the front flap from the Canadian first edition dust jacket. |
 | This is the back of the dust jacket from the Canadian first edition of The Stone Diaries. |
 | This is the Canadian first edition boards. |
 | This is the back flap from the Canadian first edition dust jacket. |
 | This is the title page of the Canadian first edition dust jacket. |
 | This is the first American edition copyright page. It was published in 1994, while the UK and Canadian editions were published in 1993. |
 | This is the first American edition dust jacket. It was published well after the UK and Canadian editions. |
 | This is the front flap from the first American edition. |
 | This is the back of the dust jacket from the first American edition. |