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| Early Autumn Both title page and copyright page say 1926. first edition is NOT stated,  (more...) | | | Stokes Original Price: $2.00 Pages: 307 |
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| Years of Grace The title page date must match the copyright date (1930). No statement of  (more...) | | Last: Barnes First: Margaret Ayer | |
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| The Good Earth The copyright page states "COPYRIGHT, 1931, BY PEARL S. BUCK" and there is no  (more...) | | Last: Buck First: Pearl S. | |
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| Humboldt's Gift States on the copyright page "First published in 1975 by the Viking Press,  (more...) | | Last: Bellow First: Saul | Viking Original Price: $10.00 Pages: 487 |
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| | | Last: Butler First: Robert Olen | |
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| March First printing has a full number line on copyright page - "1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4  (more...) | | Last: Brooks First: Geraldine | Viking Original Price: $24.95 Pages: 280 |