Copyright page has 5 lines of text on the top, and five lines of text on the bottom. The 5 lines on the top include the copyright year of 1974 and no other years nor any statement of subsequent printings. The 5 lines on the bottom include by-lines, identification numbers, and manufacturing information. Boards are light blue cloth with darker blue paper spine. The dust jacket has photo of the author on the back with no reviews and no bar code.
The Killer Angels book won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.
To find the market value for this book, click on the pre-filled eBay, AbeBooks, or Biblio links to the right and look for comparable listings that have all of these first edition points.
| Picture of the 1974 first edition dust jacket for The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of the first edition copyright page for The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of dust jacket where original $8.95 price is found for The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of the back dust jacket for the first edition of The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of the first edition McKay boards for The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of the back dust jacket flap for The Killer Angels. |
| Picture of the title page for The Killer Angels. |
| The dust jacket from the reprint edition (on the left) is similar to that of the true first (on the right). However the title tends to have a bolder gold color on the reprint, and that might be due to less aging. |
| The reprint edition (on the left) has a bar code on the back of the dust jacket. The true first has no bar code. |
| Reprint boards (on the bottom) tend to have different colors and are of better quality than the true first edition boards (on the top). |