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- 2000 +

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

Chabon, Michael

Random House



The first edition of this Pulitzer Prize winner was published by Random House in 2000. It was 639 pages long, and the original retail price was $26.95. First edition points are: Copyright page states "2 4 6 8 9 7 5 3" and "FIRST EDITION". Back of dust jacket has no reviews. Boards are white paper with colored threads and "MC" embossed on the front. The spine is the same color but in cloth.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay book won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.

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Picture of the 2000 first edition dust jacket for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and

Picture of the 2000 first edition dust jacket for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of the first edition copyright page for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and

Picture of the first edition copyright page for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of dust jacket where original $26.95 price is found for The Amazing Adventures of

Picture of dust jacket where original $26.95 price is found for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of the back dust jacket for the first edition of The Amazing Adventures of

Picture of the back dust jacket for the first edition of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of the first edition Random House boards for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier

Picture of the first edition Random House boards for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of the back dust jacket flap for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

Picture of the back dust jacket flap for The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.

The front flap of the first issue dustjacket says "SEIZE FOOL" in a gray speech bubble.

The front flap of the first issue dustjacket says "SEIZE FOOL" in a gray speech bubble. On later jackets, the speech bubble is beige.

The back of the first issue dust jacket has no reviews like the one on the left.  The

The back of the first issue dust jacket has no reviews like the one on the left. The jacket on the right is from a fifth printing.

The first edition has colored threads on white paper with a white cloth spine.  Later

The first edition has colored threads on white paper with a white cloth spine. Later printings have cream paper and no threads.

April 20, 2010, 11:01 pm
Was there a trade paperback version of Amazing Adventures released simultaneously with the hardcover? I have a trade paperback, published by Random House, that has the identical artwork as that on the DJ of the hardcover, and the copyright page is identical in every way to that of the hardcover. I also interpreted this to be the first Trade PB edition, released after the hardcover version, but before the Pulitzer announcement (since no mention of the Pulitzer announcement is made on this version), but I saw one listed online recently that claimed it was released simultaneously. Anyone know for sure?
April 21, 2010, 7:24 am
Does the paperback version have the hardcover ISBN ( 0-679-45004-1 ) on the copyright page? Does it also list the paperback ISBN? I don't have one to look at, but I already can see that the back of the paperback has a different ISBN on the bar code.
May 8, 2010, 6:57 pm
The copyright pages (including ISBN numbers) for the paperback version I have are identical, and neither list seperate printings/ISBNs for hardback and paperback versions. The ISBNs on the back covers, though, are different. For the hardcover, it's ISBN-10: 0-679-45004-1/ISBN-13: 978-0679450047. On the paperback it's ISBN-10: 0-965-00703-8/ISBN-13: 978-0965007030. The ISBN-10 on the back cover of the hardback matches the ISBN-10 on the copyright page for both books, the ISBN-10 on the back cover of the paperback is different. The ISBN-10 listed on the Random House insert in the Uncorrected Proof is the same as the hardback. The ISBN numbers for the Picador Trade Paperback, with different artwork on the cover, are different (ISBN-10: 0-312-28299-0/ISBN-13: 978-0312282998). The Picador Trade is identified as being release August 25, 2001. The Random House Hardcover was released September 19, 2000. When I do an ISBN-13 search on for the Random House paperback (978-0965007030), it shows up, but doesn't give a release date other than 2000. When I search by the ISBN-10 number for the Random House paperback on eBay, there is a book that looks like the one I have that is identified as a "Quality Paperback Book Club" release. When I search by the ISBN-10 search on, there are five books, one of which is listed by an ABAA bookseller as the Advance Readers Edition. I've emailed that bookseller to see what his book looks like and if it says Advance Readers Edition or something or if it's the Uncorrected Proof, which is in the Random House blue and white pattern. An ISBN-13 search of comes up with 17 hits, including the aforementioned signed copy, but none provide any information about Quality Paperback Book Club or other information. A search of identifies the ISBN-10: 0-965-00703-0 as a Random House version of the book (doesn't state either hardover or softcover, and that's slightly different from the ISBN 10 on the verion I have, which is 0-965-00703-8).
May 19, 2010, 3:41 pm
I just picked up one of these softcover books. It's exactly like the one you described. I think it's from the Quality Paperback Book Club. The 90000 number over the supplemental bar code means that the book has no suggested retail price. To me that screams book club. Anyone else have a thought on this?
May 21, 2010, 5:16 pm
Okay, I'm ready to conclude that this is, indeed, the Quality Paperback Book Club edition. I found three other books that matched the criteria for this copy (cover art identical to art on hardcover DJ, copyright page doesn't mention a history of hardback printing and looks identical to hardback copyright page, same size as hardcover), and all three had the 900000 number over the supplemental bar code. Each one also had a number/letter string in the gutter of the last page (always starting with "R"). I checked my copy of Amazing Adventures and sure enough, there is a number/lettter string in the gutter of the last page, I had just missed it the first time I looked. I checked the hardcover, and there is no letter/number string in the hardcover edition. Now, that said, I wonder when the QPB version was released. If it was at the same time that the hardcover was released, then one might still make a case for a simultaneous paperback publication. In the old days, I would have observed that the QPB club used the same plates as the first edition hardcover because everything else about this version is identical to the hardcover first, from the copyright page all the way to the note about the text at the end. Of course, since it's now all electronic, it's not actual plates, but it seems pretty apparent to me that QPB used the same file/format/whatever-is-used-now-instead-of-plates for their edition. So if it came out at the same time, and it used the same "digital plates", then it's almost like a simultaneously released paperback version, isn't it? If it came out later, then it's a moot point and it's just an interesting printing. In looking at the QPB website, though, I don't see any really newly released titles (Jane Smiley's Private Life, Adam Haslett's Union Atlantic, Louise Erdrich's Shadow Tag, etc.) offered, and from what I can see, the "new arrivals" are from late last year... Stephen King's The Dome, for example. So, I guess I'll have to reluctantly conclude that it probably wasn't a simultaneous release.
May 21, 2010, 5:42 pm
Nice catch with the gutter. Sure enough, my copy has one as well. I will get some photos up soon so that others can learn from this.
May 21, 2010, 9:56 pm
And, to put the nail in the coffin, I found a source that indicated that all QPB editions have "Printed in U.S.A." printed on the back cover. This version of Amazing Adventures repeats information about the cover design and illustration that is found on the bottom of the back flap of the DJ for the hardcover, and then states "Printed in U.S.A." immediately under it.

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